Code of Ethics.
Industrial 1 Cleaning’s Code of Ethics reflects our commitment to integrity, professionalism, and responsible business practices. It outlines our core principles, values, and standards, acting as a guide for all employees and sets the tone for our organization’s ethical culture. By adhering to this code, we demonstrate our dedication to conducting business ethically and maintaining the trust of our customers, employees, and stakeholders.
Compliance with Laws, Rules, and Regulations
Employees must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and company policies. This includes, but is not limited to, laws related to labor, safety, discrimination, harassment, and intellectual property. Industrial 1 Cleaning and its managers are responsible for enforcing the code and auditing compliance.
Industrial 1 Cleaning recognizes the importance of employment practices that are fair, inclusive, and respectful to all employees. We emphasize our commitment to equal opportunity employment and prohibit discrimination and harassment. We promote fair and competitive compensation, provide opportunities for professional growth and development, and strive to maintain a healthy work-life balance for our employees.
We acknowledge the principle of at-will employment, which means that employment with the company is voluntary and may be terminated by either the employee or the company at any time, for any reason, with or without cause or notice. We also uphold the importance of providing transparent and open communication to employees about their employment status, expectations, and constructive performance feedback.
Employees who engage in outside employment or other business activities are required to disclose such information with managers, as this can present potential conflicts of interest that may compromise the ability to fulfill duties and responsibilities to Industrial 1 Cleaning. However, such outside employment has the potential to be approved if the company is not a competitor of Industrial 1 Cleaning and the employee meets the performance standards of their position with us.
Employees must maintain the confidentiality of sensitive company information, customer data, coworker data, intellectual property, and any other proprietary information. This includes not sharing such information with unauthorized individuals, both during and after employment. Industrial 1 Cleaning must also maintain the confidentiality of sensitive employee information.
Health & Safety
Discrimination and all forms of harassment based on race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, military or veteran status, or status in any group protected by state or local law are strictly prohibited. This includes sexual harassment, which can be unwelcome conduct, comments, gestures, or actions that interfere with an employee’s ability to perform their job duties or create a hostile work environment. Industrial 1 Cleaning also prohibits all forms of workplace violence, including but not limited to, physical violence, threats of violence, intimidation, harassment, bullying, or any behavior that may cause harm or create a hostile, intimidating, or offensive atmosphere.
Industrial 1 Cleaning is committed to providing a safe, productive, drug-free work environment. We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations related to drug and alcohol use, and we expect all employees to adhere to our policies and procedures regarding drug and alcohol use in the workplace. Our code of ethics prohibits the use, possession, sale, distribution, or manufacture of illegal drugs, including prescription drugs used without a valid prescription, and the misuse of alcohol or other intoxicating substances while on company property, customer property, job sites, or during work hours. It is our expectation that employees will report to work in a fit condition to perform their duties and that their ability to perform job tasks will not be impaired due to drug or alcohol use. We also conduct regular drug and alcohol testing, and employees found to be in violation of our drug and alcohol policies may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. For employees who seek help for substance abuse, we are willing to provide reasonable accommodations for those participating in a recognized rehabilitation program.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is essential in ensuring the health and safety of our employees, customers, visitors, and other stakeholders. This includes wearing the appropriate PPE according to the site’s policies and procedures, such as hard hats, steel-toed boots, long-sleeve shirts, pants, safety glasses, earplugs, gloves, respirators, or other necessary gear.
Company property must be used responsibly and for legitimate business purposes only. Employees are expected to safeguard and protect company property from loss, damage, theft, misuse, or unauthorized access and to report any incidents of theft, loss, or damage immediately. We also require employees to respect the intellectual property rights of the company, such as proprietary information, trade secrets, patents, copyrights, trademarks, logos, and other valuable company assets.
Environmental Sustainability
Employees at all levels hold the responsibility to protect and preserve the environment for present and future generations. Industrial 1 Cleaning is committed to minimizing our impact on the environment and promoting sustainable practices throughout our operations. We are committed to comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, conserve natural resources, reduce waste, promote recycling and responsible resource management, and minimize pollution and emissions to the best of our ability.
In effort to contribute to maintaining a culture of integrity, accountability, and transparency, employees have a responsibility to report any suspected unethical or illegal behavior and policy violations to appropriate channels within the company. Such avenues may be their immediate supervisor, any manager, owner, or the company’s online Anonymous Suggestion Box. Reporting of concerns or suspicions is encouraged without fear of retaliation of any kind, regardless the outcome.
Industrial 1 Cleaning strives to maintain an organizational culture where employees feel comfortable approaching their supervisors, managers, or other points of contact with their questions, suggestions, and concerns, and that our leaders are welcoming and actively listen. We hold an Open-Door Policy which encourages employees to freely communicate their questions, suggestions, and concerns in both formal and informal settings, whichever makes the employee feel most comfortable. If an employee wishes to address topics without revealing their identity, they may do so through the Anonymous Suggestion Box, which is available via a digital link in the employee weekly and monthly newsletters. All responses should be appropriate and constructive. Aside from concerns, this also allows employees to provide valuable ideas and suggestions, boost engagement, and build a culture of continuous improvement. See Something, Say Something!
Industrial 1 Cleaning conducts prompt, thorough, and impartial investigations for all reports. This may involve conducting interviews, reviewing relevant documents, and providing opportunities for the employee and any involved parties to provide their perspective and evidence. Through this process, confidentiality is maintained to the highest extent possible with information disclosed only on a need-to-know basis. Once a grievance has been thoroughly investigated, the company will take appropriate actions to resolve the grievance and prevent similar issues from recurring in the future. The company will also provide feedback to the employee who raised the grievance and may take steps to ensure that the employee’s rights are protected moving forward.